An unbiased evaluation of environment management and packaging tools

Anna-Lena Popkes

August 24, 2023


When I started with Python and created my first package I was confused. Creating and managing a package seemed much harder than I expected. In addition, multiple tools existed and I wasn’t sure which one to use. I’m sure most of you had the very same problem in the past. Python has a zillion tools to manage virtual environments and create packages and it can be hard (or almost impossible) to understand which one fits your needs. Several talks and blog post on the topic exist, but none of them gives a complete overview or evaluates the tools in a structured fashion. This is what this post is about. I want to give you a truly unbiased evaluation of existing packaging and environment management tools. In case you’d rather watch a talk, take a look at the recording of PyCon DE 2023 or EuroPython 2023.

💰 My Frugal Indie Dev Startup Stack

By Maya Kyler on December 5, 2022

Indie developers today stand on the shoulders of giants. There are tons of great SAAS products that have made otherwise expensive, enterprise-grade features cheap and accessible. This enables entrepreneurship. I’ve been able to build on a shoestring budget to serve thousands of users and millions of signups on Waitlists. I thought it might be nice to share the tools I’ve used to get here, and the favors I’ve pulled to spend as little as possible.

Julia Evans

Some miscellaneous git facts

I’ve been very slowly working on writing about how Git works. I thought I already knew Git pretty well, but as usual when I try to explain something I’ve been learning some new things.

None of these things feel super surprising in retrospect, but I hadn’t thought about them clearly before.

The facts are:

Let’s talk about them!

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